Ahoy! The Sylvan Lake Sailing Club (SLSC) is a volunteer organization for sailors in and around Central Alberta. We sail on Sylvan Lake and operate out of our home base of Marina Bay; where the club has access to 30 slips for members on an annual basis.
Enjoy A Wonderful Sport
We gather for races, sailing instruction and to socialize – all while enjoying the comradery of racing and the wonderful sport of sailing.
Valuable Resources
This website is designed as a resource for anyone interested in what our club has to offer. It is filled with applications, instructions, race results and general information.
A Rich History
The SLSC has been operating in Sylvan Lake since 1984, and it’s current focus is to help members enjoy the sport of sailing through racing.
Spectators Information:
Many people have wondered exactly what we do when we are seen milling around out in the middle of the lake. Read More.
Current Club Members:
Please take a few minutes to peruse the website to see recent updates and all that it has to offer.